Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Advent-By-Candlelight: Your Easy-to-Use Guide to a Unique, Memorable Event - Downloadable

Yippee!  Advent-by-Candlelight is finally available online.  This is the first book I've written as the sole author.  Concordia Publishing House is offering it as a free download.  All you need to do is create an account and download it for free.

Advent-By-Candlelight: Your Easy-to-Use Guide to a Unique, Memorable Event - Downloadable

Monday, July 9, 2012

Teaching God's Children His Word: Pastor, Step Up!

Teaching God's Children His Word: Pastor, Step Up!: Pastor, you have a tough job. You preach the Gospel and administer the Sacraments according to God's Word. You accept responsibility for the...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Teaching God's Children His Word: Teaching a Class of One

Teaching God's Children His Word: Teaching a Class of One: You've heard about "an army of one." How about a class of one? In many Sunday Schools, especially as summer  takes its toll, a class of si...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Website to Help Improve Biblical Literacy

I just found out about a great website designed to help children and teens (and adults) improve their understanding of the Bible.  www.biblequizzesonline.com provides online quizzes to check comprehension after reading or hearing a Bible story.  It also offers the option to read Bible stories online or hear them read (which helps people figure out how to pronounce some of those long and unfamiliar names of people and places in the Bible).

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Making the Most of Social Networking

You can now learn about my favorite books, resources and ideas at www.pinterest.com/heathermelcher

I have also started "tweeting".  You can find me at http://twitter.com/hkmelcher  or use @hkmelcher in the search box on twitter.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hmmm, so much for good intentions.  I had planned to write something for this blog at least once a week, but it appears that I've managed to procrastinate for almost a YEAR.  Why is it that it is so easy to do things we don't want to do (like eating handfuls of leftover Halloween candy) but it is so difficult to do things that we really do want to do (like getting a blog post written)?

Over the last eleven months, I have often thought of topics I would like to write about on this blog and I have even made notes about a few of those ideas, but I just never seem to get around to sitting down and typing the posts.

So, what keeps us from doing what we really want to do?

Sometimes responsibilities need to be taken care of first.  I couldn't very well tell my children, "Sorry, you don't get dinner tonight because I promised myself I would blog once a week." I often feel like my house owns me rather than the other way around. 

Sometimes something urgent comes up.  When the kids, my husband or I get really sick; all writing and fun projects (like working on the kids' scrapbooks) get put on hold for a while.  When it's time to prepare taxes, make sausage as a family, send out Christmas cards, etc.; everything non-essential has to wait until I get those projects done.

Sometimes fears get in the way.  What if I embarrass myself by writing something that is too negative, too personal or too boring because I was writing while I was in a bad mood or overly tired?

Sometimes our own assumptions keep us from doing what we want to do.  I am plagued by an assumption that a blog post (or various other projects that I want to get done) will take a lot of uninterrupted time to complete, so I don't even try writing unless I have hours of child-free time. 

But, as I write this, I realize that I can complete a project even with several phone call interruptions, potty breaks for my youngest who is still potty training, a snack for my son (thanks a lot Barney for singing about ice cream!) and three different delivery people showing up in one day (an all time record for our place).

What fun &/or important projects have you been putting aside and is there a way that you can overcome whatever has been keeping you from them?