Monday, July 9, 2012

Teaching God's Children His Word: Pastor, Step Up!

Teaching God's Children His Word: Pastor, Step Up!: Pastor, you have a tough job. You preach the Gospel and administer the Sacraments according to God's Word. You accept responsibility for the...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Teaching God's Children His Word: Teaching a Class of One

Teaching God's Children His Word: Teaching a Class of One: You've heard about "an army of one." How about a class of one? In many Sunday Schools, especially as summer  takes its toll, a class of si...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Website to Help Improve Biblical Literacy

I just found out about a great website designed to help children and teens (and adults) improve their understanding of the Bible. provides online quizzes to check comprehension after reading or hearing a Bible story.  It also offers the option to read Bible stories online or hear them read (which helps people figure out how to pronounce some of those long and unfamiliar names of people and places in the Bible).

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Making the Most of Social Networking

You can now learn about my favorite books, resources and ideas at

I have also started "tweeting".  You can find me at  or use @hkmelcher in the search box on twitter.